Information about the purchasing process | Instalaciones petrolíferas y estaciones de servicio en Valladolid

Information about the purchasing process

You can buy through our website to include the shopping cart items that are of interest, simply clicking on the cart icon next to each product on sale.
If any item of interest does not have the option to add to cart, please send us an inquiry and we will provide you with the information.

Means of payment

The prices shown on the website do NOT include VAT.

You can pay your purchases on the Web by:


Banco Popular 0075·5821·03·0604110367

Enviar correo electrónico con jusfificante de transferencia realizada a dicha cuenta bancaria, escaneado, al e-mail: ó enviar fax con jusfificante de transferencia realizada a dicha cuenta bancaria al nº de fax: 983 664 802


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